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hot tub troubleshooting

As a hot tub owner, it’s best to keep an eye out for potential problems so that you can rectify them before they become much bigger (and more expensive) issues. To make your life easier, we’ve compiled this hot tub troubleshooting guide – here’s our list of the most common hot tub problems and how to solve them.


do hot tubs lower blood pressure

There has been much scientific research into the health benefits of hot tub use. One of the biggest benefits marketed to potential buyers is stress relief.

There are many reasons why hot tub use has been linked to reduced stress. For instance, time spent away from the stresses of work and life while relaxing in very warm water has been proven to reduce the concentration of stress hormones.


hot tub mistakes

Buying a hot tub is a significant investment, so it’s important to put a bit of thought into your decision before you part with any money. Here are some common mistakes that you should try to avoid when you’re buying a hot tub:


 where should i put my hot tub

Thinking of enjoying the hot tub life? There are three words you should pay attention to: location, location, location. Where to put your hot tub is one of the most important factors in maximising enjoyment, so if you’re struggling with this, we’ve got some advice to help you out.


hot tub test strips

Keeping your hot tub clean and working normally is super important if you want to continue enjoying your spa for many years to come. A key aspect of hot tub maintenance is checking the sanitiser, pH and total alkalinity levels on a regular basis.

This might all sound very technical and scientific, but don’t panic - fortunately there are hot tub test strips that can do most of the work for us.
