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PLEASE NOTE: These hot tub manuals are only a quick-start guide and may not match your model. The components and buttons mentioned in the hot tub user manual may be located in a different place on your model. If you are having any issues with controlling your hot tub, please do not hesitate to contact the Premier Hot Tubs team.
Please be aware that warranty information is included in some of these user manuals. This is NOT a Premier Hot Tubs warranty – see our Warranty page for details of our warranty (which offers greater coverage than most of the warranties mentioned in these manuals).
Choose a hot tub manual to download a free PDF version:
Please be aware that warranty information is included in some of these user manuals. This is NOT a Premier Hot Tubs warranty – see our Warranty page for details of our warranty (which offers greater coverage than most of the warranties mentioned in these manuals).
Choose a hot tub manual to download a free PDF version: